Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Excel Days

Excel Days

Complete the following exercises using Excel.
Submit the 3 assignments to the Portal

1. Excel Practice - directions and example to follow

  1. column of 100 1's
  2. column of counting from 1-100
  3. column of counting by 2's to 100
  4. column of counting by 5's to 100
  5. column of counting by 10's to 100
  6. Heading - Excel Practice (merged and centered)
    1. Bold, larger than cell text, colored font and colored fill
  7. Date in one column
  8. Convert one full column of numbers to currency formatting
  9. Use the function button to sum all the rows
    1. include a title on the column of the sums
  10. At the bottom of each column compute using functions
    1. sum
    2. average
    3. max

2. M&M's
3. Grades
Snip of Demonstration of Excel Practice in class 

Friday, June 9, 2017

Example of how to Share your Excel Assignments

1. There is a packet of a few assignments.
2. When you are done, share the Excel file using the snipping tool.
3. Be sure to save your Excel file in your network drive as you may be asked to upload it to the Portal.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Create a Custom Map

Create a Custom Map

  1. Create a custom map using "My Maps" using Google Maps.
  2. Name your map and give a description of what it includes
  3. Identify a minimum of 7 locations for your map.
    1. Each locations needs a custom icon
    2. A description for each spot is needed
    3. Include 2 videos of an informational nature
    4. For all others an image is needed.
    5. Use the draw tool to identify the walking/driving/cycling route you recommend.
    6. Save the map
    7. Share the map on your blog

Have fun

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday F Block Information

Tuesday F Block Information

1. If you haven't played a bunch of games and then written your Reflective Blog Post based on the prompts I put in the Post for Monday then............. DO That!


2. Begin your PowerPoint Stop Motion Animation

1. Choose an idea and a mini story or comic type animation. It will be very short in length but many slides.
2. Begin making Slide #1.
  • before getting too far! Remove the backgrounds from any image you use with a background

3. Copy slide #1, then add what else you want to add.
4. Move your "things/moving parts" just a tiny bit on your screen
5. Copy slide #2, then add what else you want. Only if you need to add items.
6. Repeat Step #4
7. Copy slide again.
8. Keep repeating this process.

Other Info:
Minimum of 35-50 slides
Two (2) day project
Set timing to .01 for each slide.
Remove the mark on advance with "mouse click"
Test the slide show to see how the items are moving along.
Submit to your blog as a Windows Media Video then upload the video to your blog.

Have fun!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday Options - A Block

Monday Options - A Block

1. Continue perfecting your game
2. Play other people's games in the class
3. Go to Thimble (A Webmaker site)
4. Begin making a Stop Motion Animation using PowerPoint

1. Write about what game you think should win an AWARD:

  • Most Fun
  • Most Difficult
  • Most Creative
2. Choose one game to write about and describe the following:
  • What was done differently than what you did in your own game
  • What might you incorporate into your game that you saw
  • Describe another way the game could have been programmed using the same theme (for example)
    • a maze without a timer or score could use both as ways to make it more difficult or the opposite, if no timer used only hurdles or road blocks or sending you back to the beginning with a penalty)