Monday, March 20, 2017

Hobby & Recipe Assignment

Hobby & Recipe Assignment

When you are done with this part of Code Lab (Stage 4) please take a Snippet of each page including both the code and the non-code side of the screen. Make one post to your blog with both the Hobby and Recipe assignment included in the post.

Thanks, I look forward to seeing what recipes you chose and how you applied the new codes you've learned.
F Block: 3/20
A Block: 3/21
Sophomores: Don't worry about class (of course), when you return you will have the time you need.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Let's look at these two documents together and begin to add to our 


Add these rules and principles to the page in the packet that asks for features of quality websites.

Explore the following 4 websites and answer the following questions in your blog.

1. What new features do you notice that could be added to the Quality Website features.
2. What common elements do you notice across all the websites?
For example, does every webpage have a title?

Personal Website #1
Personal Website #2
Personal Website #3
Personal Website #4

We will share the features noticed in these personal websites, especially, and any new observations. Add any newly found features to your list in web-development-practices packet on page one.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Stage 1 - Unit 2 Rating Websites

Unit 2 Code Studio - Web Development


Unit 2 Code Studio

1. Get a packet and put your name on it.
2. Use the link above to begin Unit 2
3. Complete the 1st Activity - Rating Websites
  • Complete thoroughly
  • Work with a partner or alone
  • No Threesomes!