Tuesday, May 23, 2017

When done!


1. Use this link to get to Code Studio.
You will use Unit 3, Animations and Games to try more tools as you learn about Game design.
Code Studio Link

2. Pencil Code
Link to Pencilcode

3. Alice
I will need to download it onto your computer.

Remember to sign in or create an account!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Revised List of Unit 4 Projects

Project #11 - Baseball Homerun

Project #11 -  Baseball Homerun

Do one of the following:

1. The cat (or some other living creature) hits a homerun and runs all the bases.
    • Use a costume change
    • Be sure to change the direction of the cat as it rounds 1st base to go to 2nd.
    • Use Wait time to make give it time to say something about the fabulous progress around the field.
 2. The cat hits a single
  • Cat says something about the hit
  • Cat will move around the bases either by:
    • stealing a base at a time
    • moving ahead because another player got a hit.
    • Use comment or speech bubbles about the success of moving from one base at a time.

Post your link to your blog when done.

Project #10 - Age Program Using Conditionals

Friday, May 5, 2017

Next Up!


Debug-its! Round 2
Here is the link to the set of 5.
No need to make separate entries on your blog.
In the Notes area is where you tell what you did to fix the problem.
These are the links that will bring you right to the Scratch Team Debug-it Challenges.
Good luck

Debugit 2.1
Debugit 2.2
Debugit 2.3
Debugit 2.4
Debugit 2.5

Thursday, May 4, 2017



Please go to this link and do the following:

1. Follow it!
2. Be thinking about a project you have that you might like to add to the Studio or a friend's project that you like a lot.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017



Nutrition Game

Nutrition Game

Be Creative~ Have Fun

  • Have 10 foods minimum (5 healthy, 5 unhealthy)
  • Have a point system (+ for healthy, - for unhealthy)
  • Decide what is a winning score
  • Make an announcement somehow of winning the game
  • Each Sprite needs to say something when clicked
Have your sprite foods disappear when clicked
Add another level
Use Sprite foods from another source than the Scratch library (draw your own, use images as food)

Always remember to include instructions
Create a scene or setting for the food
Post to your Blog as a link