Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday F Block Information

Tuesday F Block Information

1. If you haven't played a bunch of games and then written your Reflective Blog Post based on the prompts I put in the Post for Monday then............. DO That!


2. Begin your PowerPoint Stop Motion Animation

1. Choose an idea and a mini story or comic type animation. It will be very short in length but many slides.
2. Begin making Slide #1.
  • before getting too far! Remove the backgrounds from any image you use with a background

3. Copy slide #1, then add what else you want to add.
4. Move your "things/moving parts" just a tiny bit on your screen
5. Copy slide #2, then add what else you want. Only if you need to add items.
6. Repeat Step #4
7. Copy slide again.
8. Keep repeating this process.

Other Info:
Minimum of 35-50 slides
Two (2) day project
Set timing to .01 for each slide.
Remove the mark on advance with "mouse click"
Test the slide show to see how the items are moving along.
Submit to your blog as a Windows Media Video then upload the video to your blog.

Have fun!

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