Thursday, April 27, 2017

Moving 3 Ways Example

Moving 3 Ways Example

Click this to see inside this Project.
When you look at the code you will see each Sprite has a different way to move!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Scratch Name Needed

Fill this out Immediately....... Thank you!

Alphabet Learning Game

Alphabet Learning Game

Use any ten letters of the alphabet to create a learning game for those just beginning.
Each letter needs to be able to function in 2 different ways using these two evemts:

1. Keyboard
2. Mouse

Using the event make the letter have a Costume change

Use sound if you want
For example:
1. The letter "H"....... when I touch the "h" on the keyboard something will happen.

  • The H will turn into a house,
  • The "H will speak and say something like, "H is for happy!"

2. When I click on the "H" in the game with my mouse, the "H" will change costume into a hairy hound.

Each letter needs to change costume and to be able to be touched by the keyboard and touched by the mouse. These are two separate events.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Name Project

Name Project

Create a New Project and Name it "Name Project"

1. A separate Sprite for every letter of your first name
2. Use an Event block to start your program or, "When the Green Flag" is clicked.
3. All the letters need to have a unique behavior
4. Choose a background.
5. Include instructions on the project page.
6. Embed your project with the html code to your blog.
7. Share the link as a hyperlink to your blog.
this can all be in the same blog post

Extra Credit: Have your name reinitialize itself when the green flag is clicked
Remember to test your code during your programming.

Debug-its 1.1-1.5

Scratch DeBugits #1 (1.1-1.5)
25 Point Project
Debut-its Link
Use this link to find the first section of Debug-its.
There are 5 you need to complete for this assignment (5 points each).


1. Remix the project after you open it.
2. Read the directions on the project page to determine what the problem is.
3. For each of the problems for each of the 5 challenges, change the code to fix the problem.
4. On the project page describe what you did to fix the problem.

4. Share on your blog two ways:
Embed your code and share the link.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


10 Point Project

1. Make an account on

2. Username: first initial, last name

3. Create a new project

  1. Add a new sprite in addition to the cat
  2. Add a background
  3. Add an action for each sprite to do (different for each sprite)
4. Share your project to the blog by enbedding.
5. Remember to test it
6. On your project page label your project and give directions.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Final Webpage Post


Please upload your .txt file of your html and css code to the E-Locker in the Portal. You will use the folder called "Final Webpage".
Please "RUN" your code and see what it looks like on a full screen.


  • Share the link from Code Studio's Web lab
  • Use the hyperlink option

Tuesday, 4/10 class will take part in a Gallery walk of each others' webpages.
A brief checklist will be used as you circulate the room and see everyone's work over the past month.

Great job everyone. I can't wait to see the finished products.

Thursday, April 6, 2017



In addition to Checkpoint #1 make sure to add the following:
1. Ordered list or Unordered list
2. Video (optional)

  • 3. Animation (for example, scrolling text)
  • Other animated affect of your choice
3. Centered images
4. Borders around something 
  • page
  • section of text or image
5. Image that when clicked goes to a webpage

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Web Page Checkpoint #1

Web Page Checkpoint #1

After today..... 4/5 you should have saved (somewhere I can view) the following:

  1. Title
  2. Four images
  3. Two working links
  4. P's .... paragraph tags with info
  5. 1 iFrame (box)
  6. 2 other heading styles
  7. background color
  8. Colored text
  9. Text formating using some combination of any of the following (at least 3):
    1. bold
    2. italics
    3. underline
    4. text alignment (center or right)
Other even more interesting items will be needed for your final version of your webpage.
For example......... scrolling text, animation, video, page borders and more.