Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Alphabet Learning Game

Alphabet Learning Game

Use any ten letters of the alphabet to create a learning game for those just beginning.
Each letter needs to be able to function in 2 different ways using these two evemts:

1. Keyboard
2. Mouse

Using the event make the letter have a Costume change

Use sound if you want
For example:
1. The letter "H"....... when I touch the "h" on the keyboard something will happen.

  • The H will turn into a house,
  • The "H will speak and say something like, "H is for happy!"

2. When I click on the "H" in the game with my mouse, the "H" will change costume into a hairy hound.

Each letter needs to change costume and to be able to be touched by the keyboard and touched by the mouse. These are two separate events.

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